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We are a supportive, people-focused service that is inclusive, accessible and consistent, built for the community with integrity and accountability.
Bury Leisure

Our values

Caring, supportive, encouraging and friendly

  • As a passionate and talented team, we genuinely care about the people who use our facilities and access our services. We spend time getting to know our members, service users and visitors, making them feel welcome and valued to create a sense of belonging in our centres. We encourage and offer support, every step of the way 

Inclusive and accessible

  • We understand our communities and pride ourselves on being inclusive and accessible to everyone regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, ability or background. We make everyone welcome and strive to remove all barriers to participation. We’re respectful and compassionate and we value everyone’s differences.

Trusting and approachable

  • Our love and knowledge of fitness and the local community builds trust in our expertise. We are renowned for our down-to-earth approach and relatability and we offer a relaxed and welcoming environment that allows people to feel at ease.