Don't worry if you haven't done much exercise for a while, our wellbeing gentle exercises classes can help you build up slowly and aim to gradually increase your fitness level over time. Some classes are chair-based and most suited to older or frailer adults or people recovering from an illness.
Class types and descriptions
Our chair-based classes help improve mobility and prevent falls.
- Chair-based exercise: Everything in this class can be done seated in a chair. Suitable for anyone who has difficulty standing or walking. Exercises include stretching, twisting, seated marching, ankle stretches, arm raises, neck stretches and neck rotation. Helps to improve tone and strength.
- FUNctional fitness: A chair-based, full body workout. Suitable for all abilities, with an emphasis on fun. Helps to strengthen the heart and improves strength and balance.
- Gentle movers: A class for those that are ready to process from full chair based activity and are looking for that transitional supported group exercise, however still have the option to have a chair on hand if needed. The class is a full body workout, designed to increase your cardiovascular fitness, coordination and strength. Go at your own pace and build more confidence in your abilities.
Walking football is the game you love and remember but played in a new way indoors. It allows people who have loved the sport all their lives to once again safely get back to playing. It also introduces the sport to people who never considered playing before.
- Walking football is played at walking pace, with players not allowed to run. Y
- You can walk as fast as you like, but one foot must be in contact with the ground at all times.
- Tackling is allowed but there must be no contact.
- The threat of pain, discomfort and injury is reduced due to the slower pace and reduced contact.
- Walking football is an excellent way of staying fit and healthy and maintaining good mental health.
Our classes for improving strength and balance are gentle and easy to follow and help improve mobility over time. Choose from:
- Otago: A gentle exercise class that focuses on the lower body. The class is ideal for anyone who has had a hip or knee replacement and needs to increase strength and range of movement.
- Strength and balance: A gentle exercise class for the whole body. Helps to improve stamina and reduce fatigue.